by Abbie Rich | Feb 5, 2024 | 4Baby, 4Family, 4You, Caring for baby, Factsheet, Miscarriage and loss, Parenting, Parenting tips, Parturition, Postnatal, Preconception, Pregnancy, Welcoming baby, Your birth, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your postnatal health, Your pregnancy
Factsheet – Choice and consent during birth Emma Hill Birth Suite Midwife, Sydney, Australia @emma_hill_avec_femme (Instagram) @EmmaH_avecfemme (Twitter) Summary This factsheet provides information regarding consent during pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal...
by Abbie Rich | Nov 20, 2023 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your pregnancy
Abbie Tomson Midwife, Project Lead for All4Birth @All4Birth Summary ECV, or External Cephalic Version, aims to turn a breech baby in the womb to a head-down position. This non-invasive technique involves applying pressure on the mother’s abdomen to coax the baby...
by Alicia Burnett | Feb 21, 2023 | 4You, Becoming a parent, Freeflow, Pregnancy, Your birth, Your pregnancy
How to say no Deborah Neiger Independent Midwife Instagram @debsagos 🔥 HOW TO SAY NO 🔥 🔴 Saying no is tricky. Depending on the situation, it can be awkward, challenging or extremely hard and scary even. 🔴 But, it IS your choice to...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Creating a positive birth space environment Bruna Dias Alonso Independent Midwife, Lecturer and Researcher based in São Paulo city (Brazil). BSc, MSc, and PhD @brubsalonso Summary This factsheet focuses on the birth space environment, particularly on...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Managing labour: Mood, Mobilise and Munch (part 1 of 3) Trixie McAree Professor of Midwifery and Maternal Health, Birmingham City University @mcareetrixie (Twitter) Summary Birth (reproduction) is a physiological process that shows we are alive,...