by cherylsamuels | Sep 2, 2023 | 4Baby, Articles, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Parenting, Postnatal
Fact Sheet: Importance of the Microbiome in Newborn Infants By Dr Anna Byrom Midwife, Director of All4Maternity The importance of your baby’s skin Your baby’s skin begins to mature after birth and continues until your child is at least two years old...
by cherylsamuels | Aug 15, 2023 | 4Baby, Articles, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Parenting, Postnatal
Laid Back Breastfeeding, Positioning and Attachment By Maddie McMahon Doula, Developing Doulas. Does the way your baby latch on make a difference to breastfeeding? The short answer is yes. The way your baby attaches to the breast can have an impact on...
by cherylsamuels | May 18, 2023 | 4Baby, 4Family, Becoming a parent, Caring for baby, Health and development, Parenting tips
Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets: A Guide for Professionals and Parents by Kathryn Stagg Book Review by Dr Maeve Anne O Connell PhD FFNMRCSI RM RGN Assistant Professor of Midwifery School of Nursing and Midwifery Fatima College of Health Sciences Abu Dhabi...
by cherylsamuels | Mar 28, 2023 | 4Baby, 4You, Becoming a parent, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Postnatal
Top tips to get breastfeeding off to a good start By Shaheda Yasmeen- Khan Registered midwife, Breastfeeding specialist Instagram @mother.shaheda Summary Breastfeeding is a natural thing but it doesn’t come so naturally to many women. The reason for this...
by Alicia Burnett | Jan 21, 2022 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your postnatal health
Factsheet – Montgomery Tubercles: What are these little bumps? Written by Alicia Burnett Midwife, UK Instagram _aliciaburnett Twitter ABurnett_RM Summary A number of factors influence the establishment of breastfeeding. One factor that receives little attention...