by kayhollyking | Nov 6, 2020
Rachel’s Story by Rachel Summers -Mother When the government announced a lockdown in March 2020 due to COVID-19 I was 25 weeks pregnant. An initial period of 12 week ‘shielding’ and isolation for vulnerable people took me to being pretty much...
by cherylsamuels | Sep 10, 2020
Libby’s Story I am currently in my third pregnancy and my experience of fetal movements, and my feelings surrounding them, has been very different with each. My first pregnancy was in 2014. Whilst I was aware of the ‘Count the Kicks’...
by Hannah Tizard | Jul 3, 2020
Using stretch mark oil in pregnancy Lucie Young After using various oils for my first two pregnancies and not really loving them as they didn’t leave my skin feeling great, I tried Weleda’s Stretch Mark Oil when pregnant for the third time and it was a...
by Hannah Tizard | Jun 26, 2020
Breast massage during pregnancy Claire Nutt – Mother and massage therapist Breast massage is perhaps the least discussed aspect of massage generally. Here in the UK discretion is always maintained in spas and therapy rooms, our breasts are covered, our...
by Hannah Tizard | Jun 25, 2020
Positive birth after sexual trauma Having experienced unwanted sexual touching as a child and rape as an adult, I have experienced disassociation and panic attacks for most of my life. Some triggers are touch but some can be places, situations and...