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Shannon’s Birth Story: Vaginal Breech Birth

Shannon’s Birth Story: Vaginal Breech Birth

Shannon’s Birth Story: Vaginal Breech Birth       This birth story has been shared by Shannon, who works in special education and is a mum to a little girl born in the breech position three years ago. I had a very uncomplicated pregnancy but was...
My Experience Of Skin To Skin

My Experience Of Skin To Skin

My Experience Of Skin To Skin Dr Lucy Hope, Midwife and Principle Lecturer, University of Worcester       When I was pregnant my decision making was based on the evidence I knew as a midwife. One of the decisions I made early on, probably even before I...
Experiencing a fourth degree tear

Experiencing a fourth degree tear

Experiencing a fourth degree tear Instagram @oasi_mum       I was looking forward to the birth of my second child and did not expect the birth to take a major turn which would lead to me having life long problems. I wasn’t uneducated. I knew I was high...
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