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Charlotte’s Birth Centre Story

Charlotte’s Birth Centre Story


I feel very privileged to have had two wonderful labours. My first was due to happen at the Meadow Suite at Worcester Hospital, however they were full when we arrived. This didn’t stop me from having a brilliant midwife led labour in one of the nearby delivery rooms. The midwife was wonderful, allowing us to turn down the lights, have very little talking, play our classical music and even set up my battery powered tea lights to set the mood. She showed full respect for my birth plan which included requests such as not to be offered pain relief, in turn allowing me to ask for it as I needed it. As a result I used my tens machine the whole time with my husband suggesting gas and air as we progressed! A winning combination for me as pain control.

The student midwife was also wonderful and I was happy to be monitored by her. In fact, I was her first unassisted birth. My first labour was fast established with my waters breaking at 10pm, first contraction at 10.30pm and our daughter arriving at 4am. My midwife helped to slow down my delivery through holding my babies head in gently. She explained that she was allowing my body to stretch, giving it the time it needed. This in turn meant no tearing.

I did make it into the suite for my second labour. It was a beautiful room with very low lighting and a calm feel. We had our iPad playing classical music, exactly as we did last time. After my first labour took 6hrs I progressed quite quickly again. My first contraction woke me at 5am and by 8am the tens machine was off, gas and air was on and I was in the water. After progressing quickly and everyone expecting me to deliver by 8.30am my labour unexpectedly slowed down. At 9.30am I was still in the water – something I surprisingly found a little upsetting. In hindsight I think this in turn may have affected my oxytocin. The midwife kindly asked if I would be happy to try some clary sage. At this stage it was an enthusiastic yes! She went and retrieved the herb from her cupboard and tucked it under my bra strap. Within 30mins and 5hrs after my first contraction, my daughter was born in the water. It was perfect. I was able to hold her immediately skin on skin and enjoy prolonged cord clamping. I feel my care after birth was also brilliant here. I lay on the bed with my baby, completely skin on skin which allowed us to establish a good latch for feeding. Then it was home time. At 5am my labour started and at 5pm I was back on my sofa eating pizza! A dream come true.

I am currently growing my third bump and can only pray for it all to go as well. We have the same birth plan in place, at the same hospital but going in with an open mind.

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