Becky’s Birth Centre Story
Midwife @fishermidwife16
As a midwife myself I always wanted to have a homebirth! Unfortunately, due to the covid-19 pandemic I was unable to have one. On Wednesday 28th October I began have some period type pains. I was 38+1 gestation. From there I continued with these pains for 3 days. They did not get better, but they did not get worse. I was expecting a long latent phase as a primip but I also expected the pain to get worse!
On the morning of Halloween, I decided to contact my unit as I thought it could be a urine infection instead of labour! They asked me to attend. I did not take anything with me other than my notes and my partner. I had a CTG and urine sample which came back clear! Baby boy was happy so they asked if I would consent to a vaginal exam. At this point I was only comfortable on my knees (where I pretty much have been for 3 days!) and with not having a UTI I wanted to know what was going on, so I consented. To my shock the midwife informed me I was 5cm dilated with bulging membranes! She immediately asked me what my birth plan was if I had one and I informed her that I wanted a waterbirth if it was available.
I was soon walked round to our lovely birth centre (also known to our trust as our sanctuary!). The difference in the labour suite room and sanctuary room was incredible! I went from a bright very medicalised environment to a dimly lit open room with a large pool in the centre. Fake candles were flickering around the room, positive affirmations were up on the walls along with photographs of sweet, sweet babies (our ultimate end goal that makes all the labour so worth it!). There was a bed, however had I have not known it was there because I am a midwife at the unit, I would not have seen it!
Before I went in the pool, we tried the ball for a few hours along with walking, squatting, dancing and laughing! I had aromatherapy in the air and our own music in the background. It was magical. About 5 hours into my labour, I started to feel like I was losing control. I asked if we could get in the pool now. We did and within an hour I felt like I needed to push! Out came the Entonox (as I really lost control at this point but only because I had transitioned quickly!) Within 30 mins of pushing my beautiful little boy was here! I was able to reach down and birth him into my own hands and put him immediately on my chest. The room was so quiet that all we could hear was his first cry (and my partner’s sobs of joy).
From there we were sorted out quickly and 6 hours after the birth we were home tucked up in our own bed as a family of 3! Could not have asked for more. Next time I am hoping I do not become pregnant before a worldwide pandemic and I can have that magical home birth!
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