
An introduction to culture, race and bias in midwifery care. Module 2
Module Two: Responding to systemic racism within maternity services.

estiMATE – An e-learning tool for estimating blood loss during waterbirth
Is a unique e-tool comprising a professionally-created series of videos filmed in real time, using live models and a range of blood volumes using expired human blood. This presents an authentic simulation. The videos were filmed in a standard-sized, white, plumbed-in birth pool that is typically used in hospital and midwifery unit birth settings. Around the world, more women are giving birth in water every year. Water immersion facilitates physiological labour and birth with no known risk to healthy mothers and babies. This e-tool offers essential learning to secure safe, skilled practice.

An introduction to culture, race and bias in midwifery care. Module 1
Module One: Recognising systemic racism present within individual behaviour, society and maternity services.