by Abbie Rich | Nov 17, 2023 | 4Baby, Factsheet, Health and development, Welcoming baby
Sammy Berry Midwife, Tongue Tie Specialist @tonguetiespecialist Summary Ankyloglossia, or tongue ties, is an often underdiagnosed condition affecting infants and adults. The condition is caused by a tight or thick band of tissue...
by Abbie Rich | Nov 6, 2023 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth, Your pregnancy
Factsheet: Breech Presentation By Abbie Tomson RM BSc MSc Midwife, All4Birth Co-Lead Summary A breech presentation occurs when the baby is ‘bum’ down rather than head down. It becomes less common, the further into pregnancy you get....
by cherylsamuels | Sep 2, 2023 | 4Baby, Articles, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Parenting, Postnatal
Fact Sheet: Importance of the Microbiome in Newborn Infants By Dr Anna Byrom Midwife, Director of All4Maternity The importance of your baby’s skin Your baby’s skin begins to mature after birth and continues until your child is at least two years old...
by cherylsamuels | Aug 15, 2023 | 4Baby, Articles, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Parenting, Postnatal
Laid Back Breastfeeding, Positioning and Attachment By Maddie McMahon Doula, Developing Doulas. Does the way your baby latch on make a difference to breastfeeding? The short answer is yes. The way your baby attaches to the breast can have an impact on...
by cherylsamuels | Jul 27, 2023 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Your pregnancy
Sun Exposure in Pregnancy; Maternal and Fetal Health and Heat Protection Strategies By Hannah Tizard Education and organisational development lead midwife, All4Maternity. The dangers of excessive sun exposure are widely understood by society, with...
by cherylsamuels | Jul 21, 2023 | 4You, Factsheet, Parenting, Postnatal, Your birth, Your postnatal health, Your pregnancy
Factsheet: Birth Trauma By Dr Kim Thomas CEO, Birth Trauma Association Summary The term birth trauma is used to refer both to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other symptoms of psychological distress experienced after traumatic...