by cherylsamuels | Oct 29, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Parturition, Pregnancy, Your birth, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
Factsheet – When will I go into labour? Frances Tervet Midwife and neonatal nurse @francestervet Summary You’ve been given an Estimated Due Date (EDD) and have been looking forward to that magical day for months. However, very few babies actually do arrive on...
by cherylsamuels | Oct 20, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
Factsheet – Nutrition in pregnancy Pippa Morrish Midwifery Sister @midwife_pip Summary Pregnancy is a powerful time to nourish yourself and your baby towards a healthier future. It is an empowering change that you can make yourself to directly improve the health...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Creating a positive birth space environment Bruna Dias Alonso Independent Midwife, Lecturer and Researcher based in São Paulo city (Brazil). BSc, MSc, and PhD @brubsalonso Summary This factsheet focuses on the birth space environment, particularly on...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Managing labour: Mood, Mobilise and Munch (part 1 of 3) Trixie McAree Professor of Midwifery and Maternal Health, Birmingham City University @mcareetrixie (Twitter) Summary Birth (reproduction) is a physiological process that shows we are alive,...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Managing labour: Mood, Mobilise and Munch (part 2 of 3) Trixie McAree Professor of Midwifery and Maternal Health, Birmingham City University @mcareetrixie (Twitter) Summary Birth (reproduction) is a physiological process that shows we are alive,...
by Hannah Tizard | May 19, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Your birth
Factsheet – Managing labour: Mood, Mobilise and Munch (part 3 of 3) Trixie McAree Professor of Midwifery and Maternal Health, Birmingham City University @mcareetrixie (Twitter) Summary Birth is a physiological process that shows we are alive, other signs of life...