by cherylsamuels | Mar 10, 2021 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Your birth
What Is A Placenta And How Is It Supposed To Come Out? Mireia Manzano Staff Nurse and Student Midwife Every person who grows a baby, grows a placenta too. However, this tends to go highly unrecognised in the birthing world. Sometimes named as “the...
by cherylsamuels | Mar 5, 2021 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Your birth
Thinking Of Having A Home Birth? Cheryl Samuels Midwife, Project Lead All4birth, BSc Midwifery, Summary Home birth midwifery services and therefore rates vary from country to country. Currently only 2.1% of births in England and Wales are at home.1 With the...
by cherylsamuels | Mar 2, 2021 | 4Family, Articles, Becoming a parent, Freeflow, Parenting
Becoming a good enough mother Ali Pember Coach, counsellor, mindfulness and hypnobirth practitioner. Instagram @goodenoughmamas Summary In 1953 a British paediatrician and psychoanalyst named Donald Winnicott termed the phrase ‘good enough mother’ in response...
by cherylsamuels | Jan 29, 2021 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your postnatal health
Factsheet – Physical activity before, during and after pregnancy Dr. Rehana Jawadwala Founder of Mummy Yoga, yoga teacher and author Instagram @mummyyoga Summary This fact sheet provides a concise summary on the evidence around physical activity before, during...
by cherylsamuels | Jan 16, 2021 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Your birth
Aromatherapy In Childbirth Alex Green Midwife BSc Midwifery Summary Aromatherapy is known to aid relaxation, calm fear, promote a feeling of well-being, act as a distraction tool and even enhance contractions 1. Pain in labour is caused by heightened...