by Abbie Rich | Sep 25, 2022 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your birth, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
Factsheet – Aquanatal Exercise Classes Written by Keri Alldritt Midwife, UK Instagram @midwife_keri Summary This fact sheet provides a summary of exercising in water when pregnant. The Class Most women know about the benefits of exercise during pregnancy;...
by Abbie Rich | Sep 19, 2022 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Pregnancy, Welcoming baby, Your birth, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
How to have an Emotionally Safe Birth- The Birth Without Fear Method Emilie Wicks and Camella Main BSc (Midwifery) King’s College London, Perinatal Education Facilitator for a Baby Steps Program in Lambeth (NSPCC), Birth Without Fear Method Ambassador for...
by Abbie Rich | Sep 4, 2022 | 4You, Articles, Freeflow, Pregnancy, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
The First Trimester Abbie Tomson BSc (Hons) Midwifery Midwife All4birth Lead Instagram @all4birth Summary The first trimester is a time in pregnancy where so many changes, and in fact baby grows the most in this time than any other period in pregnancy!...